Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Amsterdam Trip 2017. Day 0

SAT MAR 11 - Fly to Amsterdam, take two.

Now we had to get re-psyched up for traveling.  The plan:  3:45 pm flight to Atlanta, 2-3 hour layover, then on to Amsterdam.  Airbus 330, 2-4-2 seating, middle/aisle seats on a packed flight.  Had a BIG meal in Atlanta waiting for the flight, thinking airlines never feed you anymore.  MISTAKE.  The fed us nearly continuously, all the way to Europe, mostly carb-rich fare. Lots of music to listen to and movies and TV to watch on the seat back screens.  Betsy watched “Jackie”, but couldn’t hear much of the subtle, allegedly good soundtrack.  I caught up on old “Big Bang Theory” episodes, of which a little goes a long way.  We both managed to doze a bit, but didn’t sleep a lot.

The one day delay meant we missed out on 2 concerts we wanted to attend.  Saturday afternoon was the Lumako Ensemble (string trio + harp + flute) at the Het Schip Museum satellite facility, close to where we were staying.  I had emailed them, and they were holding our tix/spaces.  The other was a 11:00 am Sunday symphony concert at the famous Concertgebouw, already paid for, just to add injury to insult.

So, Bob’s carefully engineered trip agenda already had a big money wrench thrown into it.

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