There was even a rooster that would occasionally crow at just the right part of a song. By Sunday afternoon he was getting the hang of things.
Since rain is in the forecast for both this afternoon and later this week, and I have NOT done the semi-annual ritual planting of the grass seed, I needed to do some yard work this morning. Blast leaves with the leaf shredder, make another compost system out of them, then rake out the dead grass, sticks, and acorns. With a little luck, this will boost the grass seed germination rate up to 10% or so. Just try growing grass in deep shade in a drought! Fortunately, I found a great worker to contract this out to. Here’s a picture of him with a bunch of roots he dug out with that pickax of his. Seems like I’ve been tripping over those roots for the past 10 years. What a guy! A little strange, though. He wanted to be paid in gold, and treated the cash I gave him like it was a used Kleenex.
Great Room Project duties consisted of heading to the crawlspace and toenailing in a chunk of wood into the floor underneath where that piece of OSB was maybe sagging. There was no other damage there, so that’s good. Probably overkill, but…
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