The rabbits do keep busy, especially if you give them some tools to work with. Or at least an empty canvas upon which to start. This project started out as a solid Staples cardboard box. Good for sitting on top of, but not much more. It sat in the cage for several weeks, and fuctioned only as a perch. The bunns essentially ingnored it. So, I cut a small hole in it, just big enough for Pete to squeeze in through. This "front door" provided the catalyst for rabbitly creativity. The box now looks like this:
Front door, quite expanded.

Side door / window combo. The structural integrity of the box is beginning to get compromised. Pete is NOT worried. Bruno SHOULD be worried. No more perching for the big boy!
(The squeegee is NOT a part of the project...)
Back window - this side butts up against the back of the cage, so these opening are not doors, they are fenestration. Unless they move relocate the project.
And last, but not least, is the skylight.
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