Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Zeela the Rabbit

Mr. Skippy has been doing well since the departure of his friend Petey. He continues to be a wild, enthusiastic, curious, happy kind of rabbit. You'd swear he was part puppy dog. Once we found him up on top of the back deck table, tearing into a banana that had been left there by mistake. As Elmer Fudd would say, "Cwazy wabbit".
Nevertheless, we thought it would be good for him to have a roommate, rabbits being social creatures and all. So last Friday Paul and I went back to the Mecklenberg Animal Shelter to see if we could find a suitable match for him. There was a friendly brown bunny labeled "Ralph", but a little asking around revealed it was actually a spayed, 2-year old female going by the pound name of Rolfina. Sounded like a match to us, so we brought her home.
The name Rolfina wasn't going to cut it, but Betsy came up with "Zeela", which sounded about right. So Zeela it is. She has a definite wild rabbit coloring scheme going on, with the dark-ish brown, and several different color bands on each hair shaft. She likes to explore, but in a calm, cautious, a-little-bit-at-a-time manner. She's also very affectionate. At least toward people. She's slowly getting used to Skippy and his wild ways. You see, Skippy likes to chase - it's his idea of fun. He'll tear around the deck in circles all by himself, just PRETENDING to chase something! This is all a bit alarming to cool, calm, quiet Zeela. They are not fully bonded yet, but have been making good progress in the last few days. Skippy is quite fired up about her arrival, and she's not quite used to all the attention. I'm thinking all this drama should even out in a few more days...